A HAUTE Commodity Yellow Paparazzi Earrings Cashmere Pink Jewels - Cashmere Pink Jewels & Accessories, Cashmere Pink Jewels & Accessories - Paparazzi

A HAUTE Commodity Yellow Paparazzi Earrings Cashmere Pink Jewels

$2.00 Sale
Let's be real, these earrings are made for photographers and models who live in the spotlight. You never know what to wear on a photo shoot? Turn around and put...
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Let's be real, these earrings are made for photographers and models who live in the spotlight. You never know what to wear on a photo shoot? Turn around and put your knowledge of glamour makeup to work! The best part is when you finally take off those dark sunglasses at the end of the day... it's like you're telling yourself "It was all worth it."

A HAUTE Commodity Yellow Paparazzi Earrings Cashmere Pink Jewels

A HAUTE Commodity Yellow Paparazzi Earrings Cashmere Pink Jewels
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